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  • 03-17-2008 - 03-21-2008 -Spring Break (FREEDOM)
  • 03-21-2008 -Art History Outline and images
  • Still during spring break: Read Lord of the Flies for techniques/devices, 3 allusions due.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Physiology -Chap 6- End of Chap Questions

  1. Match the Following:

    -3- (a)Space w/in the shaft of the bone that contains yellow bone marrow: Medullary Cavity

    -9- (b) Triglyceride storage tissue: Yellow Bone Marrow

    -8- (c) Hemopoietic tissue: Red Bone Marrow

    -1- (d) Thin layer of hyaline cartilage covering the ends of bones when they form a join: Articular Cartalige

    -5- (e) Distal and proximal ends of bones: Epiphyses

    -4- (f) The long, cylindrical main portion of the bone the shaft: Diaphysis

    -6- (g) in a growing bone, the region that contains the epiphyseal plate: Metaphysis

    -7- (h) The though membrane that surrounds the bone surface wherever cartilage is not present: Periosteum

    -12- (i) Layer of hyaline cartilage in the area between the shaft and end of a growing bone: Epiphyseal Plate

    -2- (j) Membrane lining the medullary cavity: Endosteum

    -11- (k) A remnant of the active epiphyseal plate; a sign that the bone has stopped growing in length: Epiphyseal line

    -10- (l) Bundles of collagen fibers that attach periosteum to bone: Perforating Fibers

  2. Match the Following:

    -12- (a) Small spaces between lamellae that contains osteocytes: Lacune

    -13- (b) Perforating canals that penetrate compact bone vessels, carry blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves from the periosteum: Volkmann's Canals

    -8- (c) Areas between osteons: fragments of old osteons

    -6- (d) Cells that secrete the components required to build bone: Osteoblasts

    -3- (e) Microscopic unit of compact bone tissue: Osteons (Haversian System)

    -9- (f) Interconnected, tiny canals filled with extracellular fluid; connect lacunae to each other and to the central canal:

    -4- (g) Canals that extend longitudinally through the bone and connect blood vessels and nerves to the osteocytes: Haversian Canals

    -10- (h) Large cells derived from monocytes and involved in bone resporption: Osteoclasts

    -7- (i) Irregular lattice of thin columns of bone found in spongy tissue

    -5- (j) Rings of hard calcified matrix found just beneath the periosteum and in the medullary cavity: Concentric Lamellae

    -2- (k) Mature cells that maintain the daily metabolism of bone: Ostocytes

    -11- (l) An opening in the shaft of the bone allowing an artery to pass into the bone

    -1- (m) Unspecialized stem cells derived from mesenchyme: Osteogenic Cells

  3. Match the Following:

    -3- (a) A broken bone in which one end of the fractured bone is driven into the end of other: Impacted Fracture

    -7- (b) A condition of porous bones characterized by decreased bone mass and increased susceptibility to fractures: Osteoporosis

    -6- (c) Splintered bone, with smaller fragments lying between main fragments: Comminuated Fracture

    -1- (d) A broken bone that not break through the skin: Closed Fracture

    -4- (e) A partial break in a bone in which one side of the bone is broken and the other side bends: Greenstick Fracture

    -2- (f) A broken bone that protrudes through the skin: Open Fracture

    -5- (g)Microscopic bone breaks resulting from the inability to withstand repeated stressful impact: Stress Fracture

    -9- (h) A degeneration or articular cartilage allowing the bony ends to tough; worsens due to friction between the bone: Osteoarthritis

    -8- (i) Condition characterized by failure of new bone formed by remodeling to calcify adults: Osteomalacia

    -10- (j) An infection of bone: Osteomyelitis

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